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Fifth Grade Election: 2022

Written by Catalina R. and Mia T.

Photography by Kayden P., Olivia W., Sophia A.T. with contributions from teachers and PTO

The day we all have been waiting for: The 5th grade Election Day! We had so many wonderful candidates come out and share their platforms:

Presidential Candidate Gianna, and Vice Presidential running mate Rylee:

We had Presidential candidate Gianna and Vice Presidential running mate Rylee proposing a sports team for 5th grade. In addition, they also wanted a cleaner learning environment. They propose creating a group of volunteers from the 5th grade to help with that issue. During her speech Gianna said “If you love this school, why litter?” Gianna would also like to create more sports teams. She feels as if 5th grade does not have as many sports as middle schoolers do and feels that it is only fair if they have the same.

Presidential Candidate Luca and Vice Presidential running mate Luis:

We had Presidential Candidate Luca and Vice Presidential running mate Luis wanted to support students with materials. They believe we should raise money so that they can give students more school supplies. Luca wants to reward kids who finish their I-Ready with a Dress Down Pass. Luca and his Vice Presidential running mate Luis want to let the 5th graders enjoy ice cream on Wednesdays. They feel it is a little treat for them. According to Luca, “If you want success, vote for the best!”

Presidential Candidate Emeli George and Vice Presidential running mate Sofia:

Emeli believes that the school would benefit from fundraisers to provide fun dances and an End of Year Trip. With the fundraisers, 5th graders have an opportunity to have a safe and fun End of The Year Trip to celebrate their elementary graduation. Emeli spoke passionately to the 5th graders and said “I care about everyone, I want the best for you guys.”

Presidential Candidate Jonathan and Vice Presidential running mate Andrea:

Jonathan loves helping and wants to create a better learning environment. Jonathan wants to create fundraisers to get more books and school supplies for his fellow classmates. He also wants to add new P.E. equipment for recess. Jonathan says “Vote for me if you want the 5th grade to be a productive and positive place.”

Presidential Candidate Tommy and Vice Presidential running mate Nicholas:

Tommy would like to invite 5th graders to the playground for sweets as a reward to the kids who have done very well. Tommy would like to take a stand on bullying. He would like to add a box where you may write an anonymous note about something you saw. This can help prevent bullying without the stress that anyone would know that it was you.

Presidential Candidate Connor and Vice Presidential candidate Matthew:

Connor would like to reward 5th graders with extra recess (5 minutes) for doing their I-Ready. Along with extra recess, Connor would like to add swings into our playgrounds. One of Connors other ideas is to get class pets for recess to add just a little more fun to the classroom!

Presidential Candidate Sebastian and Vice Presidential candidate Justin:

Sebastian would like to get more recess equipment for the 5th graders to enjoy. He would also like to give ticket rewards for good behavior. He believes that adding these tickets can help students learn about money and how to manage their tickets. Sebastian is also really big on more field trips for 5th grade. His idea is to do more fundraisers to earn money so that less fortunate kids can also participate.

Presidential Candidate Emily and Vice Presidential candidate Madison:

Emily would like to make a suggestion box where her fellow classmates can share their views about different topics. It would allow her classmates to give their opinions about what is going on in our school environment. Just like many other candidates, Emily would like to do a fundraiser for more laptops to get more hands on activities. Emily says “when you think about it, this is our home away from home.”

And the moment everyone has been waiting for…

Our 5th grade 2022 class president is President Tommy and Vice President Nicholas!

We at The Falconer would like to thank all of the candidates, their teachers, and their classmates for all their hard work.


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