By Isabella B

Loss is something that everyone has to deal with at some point in their lives. Some people deal with it while they're young, others while they're older. One thing that doesn’t differ, however, is that it is always a very difficult and emotional process. Most people will always mourn the loss of a loved one, but it’s very important to celebrate their life, looking back on the good times. This is a story about my friend that I have lost, but I still celebrate to this day.
I have many good memories with Angela, ever since we first met. We quickly became attached at the hip, doing many things together. One of her favorite things to do was to swim in the on-ground pool she had in her backyard. We would always swim there for hours, even though it wasn’t very large, but we still found a way to have fun. She also had many dolls and other toys, which we would always play with. She always had an amazing imagination, thinking of new stories after a bit of brainstorming. She also loved singing, dancing, and performing, doing it whenever she could. She always had a positive attitude, and was very outgoing and cheerful. She was just a very sweet and loving girl overall, making sure everyone was happy.
Some of my fondest memories of her were the fun things we did together. From going to her house, to something a bit more interesting. Once, she invited me to go to a baseball game with her. It was my first time going to any sporting event, and we talked about it for an entire week. Another time, she took me to the Frost Museum, and we spent the whole day looking at the creatures in the aquarium, learning about them. She adored marine biology, from what I remember, and she knew a lot about it as well. Some of the best moments we had together were a lot more simple. On multiple occasions, I would go to her house along with a few other friends. There, we would have water balloon fights, between each other and our dads. We would always come up with strategies to hit the dad team with water balloons, and sometimes they were very complex.
One thing that seriously influenced me even now were her interests and hobbies. She loved reading, especially the Harry Potter books, which I convinced her to read. She had many figures and Lego sets decorating her room. She loved video games like Super Mario and Pokémon, having a variety of games and merchandise from the series. She also adored older music, especially Queen. I remember being in the car with her when she started playing Bohemian Rhapsody on the radio. That was the first time I ever listened to that song. She also introduced me to Karate, which has taught me a lot since then. When Covid first started, or even before that, she got into musical theater. Her favorite musical was Hamilton, which she watched and talked about constantly. At that point we didn’t see each other much, but we still called whenever she wasn’t tired.
At the end of the day, loss is something that we all experience at one point or another. Although it is very sad, and near impossible to get over, try to remember the good times you had with that person. Just remember, that person would do anything to see you happy, so show them you’re happy and remember them. And most of all never forget them.
Happy birthday Angela.